One-Day Online Fundraiser

Event Description Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and paincan procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious except to obtain some advantage from it? But […]

Our Girls at the Governor House

Lahore Lahore, Pakistan

A Day to Remember, Our Girls' from District Vehari and Chakwal Visit to the Governor's House of the Punjab Lahore, Our Girls Receive Honors from the Governor of Punjab! A moment of pride, a moment of celebration! Our remarkable girls were bestowed with honors by the esteemed Governor of Punjab. In a moment of empowerment […]

CBM Delegation from Germany

Islamabad , Pakistan

Welcoming a delegation from CBM Germany to Sindh and Islamabad! Engaging in a vibrant community meeting, we shared insights on ongoing projects, fostering cross-cultural learning. Together, we discussed challenges and sought collaborative solutions. It’s an Exciting time of exchange and growth.      

Ride to School


In Vehari on 5th December, 2023, a heartening initiative opened as 160 bicycles were distributed among girls, under the Project of “Strengthening Girls Agency around Secondary Education through Training, Advocacy and Policy Reforms” fostering a promising message with the empowering slogan "Ride to School." This impactful distribution not only provides a means of transportation but also symbolizes a commitment to promoting education and empowering young girls to overcome transportation barriers.