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We’ve Funded 50k Dollars

About Bedari

Awakening for Human Rights

Bedari is a national level non-governmental, voluntary, development organization in Pakistan working with women and children for the promotion and protection of their human rights..

It started its activities in 1991. It got registered in 1992 under Societies Act 1860.


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Thousands of Donors Choose Pure Hearts
for High Impact Causes

Benefits of Giving

Bring More Meaning to Your Life & Family

The majority have suffered alteration all injected humours randomises.

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Improve Self-Esteem

Righteous indignation and dislike mens who beguiled demoralized.


Reduce Your Stress

Suspendisse pulvinar enim ut purus gravida, porta lobortis.


Financial Benefits

Ut porttitor et lectus ut tempus. Aliquam lacinia justo.


Familial Benefits

Donec auctor blandit semper. Proin accumsan augue.

Bedari’s Values

Bedari holds the following values

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Here to Bring People Together

The majority have suffered alteration all injected
gets humours randomises.

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Most Passionate Team Members

The master-builder of human happiness no one rejects, dislikes
or avoids pleasure itself pleasure,